4. The Iso-spectral problem

An algebraic construction for the KP Hierarchy can be given analogous to the “exp” map for Drinf’eld modules. The infinite Grassmannian is described as follows:

                           - n
G = {V ⊂ C ((T)) | dim (V ∩ T C[[T ]]) = n,∀n ≫ 0 }

Let X be any variety and p a smooth point on it. This gives us a base point n p in Symn(X), the n-fold symmetric product of X with itself. We then have natural base point preserving maps Symn(X) Symn+k(X) obtained by adding the zero-cycle k p. The direct limit

G = lim Symn (X)

has a natural multiplication induced by the morphisms

Symn  (X ) × Symm (X ) → Symn+m  (X ).

If X is 1-dimensional this group G acts on G and the flow associated with this action is then the KP flow.