1. Special divisors and a conjecture of M. Green

Let C be a projective algebraic curve of genus g 2 over a field k and L be any line bundle on C that is generated at stalks by its space of global sections. We then consider

R = ∑   Γ (C,L ⊗i)


the homogeneous coordinate ring of C with respect to L. Then, we may write a minimal free resolution of R as a graded module over S, the Symmetric algebra on Γ(C,L),

0 → Ft → ⋅⋅⋅ → F0 → R →  0,


Fp =     Mp,q ⊗ S(- q).

H. H. Martens [15] has defined the Clifford Index γC of C as the minimum of deg(D) - 2dim D where D runs over all divisors on C such that h0(C,OC(D)) > 1 and h1(C,OC(D)) > 1. We are concerned with the following

Conjecture 1.1 (M. Green). With notation as above, Mp,p+q = 0, for all p,q such that q > 1 and p ≤ γC - (deg(L )- 2dim |L).

Let EL be the vector bundle on C defined by the following natural exact sequence,

0 →  L-1 → Γ (C,L)* ⊗ OC  → EL  → 0,

and V = Γ(C,L)*. Then it is easily seen that,

M  *   = coker(p∧ V ⊗ Γ (C, K ⊗ L ⊗1-q) → Γ (C,∧pE ⊗ K ⊗ L ⊗1-q)).
  p,p+q                                          L

Thus, the conjecture of Green is equivalent to the surjectivity of this morphism for p,q in the given range. In Chapter 1 of the thesis we show

Theorem 1.2. Let C be an projective algebraic curve of genus g 2 over a field k, and L a line bundle on it that is generated at stalks by its space V = Γ(C,L)* of global sections. Further, let EL be the vector bundle on C defined by the natural exact sequence

      -1          *
0 →  L   →  Γ (C,L) ⊗ OC  → EL  → 0.

Then, the image of

 p               ⊗1-q         p            ⊗1-q
∧ V ⊗  Γ (C,K ⊗ L    ) → Γ (C, ∧ EL ⊗ K ⊗  L    )

contains all locally decomposable sections, whenever q > 1 and

p ≤ γC - (deg(L )- 2dim |L).

As a result of this work the conjecture of M. Green now follows from

Conjecture 1.3. Let EL be the ample vector bundle on a curve C as above Then the locally decomposable sections of ∧iEL span the vector space of all sections, for all i.

In a later paper (see 5) we have proved this conjecture in some cases. Even for a general ample bundle E which is generated by its space of global sections we know of no situation contrary to this conjecture.