3. Extensions to [3]

We now extend the definition ([3]; 1.3.6) slightly. Let us first introduce the notation Er,p,q(K,F) for the complex of Er terms which contains the term Erp,q(K,F) at the p + q-th position. When the integers p and q are irrelevant we will abbreviate this to Er(K,F). Note that we have the equality of complexes Er,p,q = Er,p+r,q-r+1.

Definition 3.1. A morphism f : (K,F) --> (L,G) of good filtered complexes is said to be a level-r filtered quasi-isomorphism if the morphisms Er-1(f) induce quasi-isomorphisms Er-1(K,F) --> Er-1(L,G), i. e. Erp,q(f) are isomorpisms for all integers p and q.

A level-1 filtered quasi-isomorphism is what was earlier (2.5) called a filtered quasi-isomorphism.

We extend the definition ([3]; 1.4.5) in a similar way.

Definition 3.2. A level-r filtered injective resolution of a good filtered complex (K,F) is a level-r filtered quasi-isomorphism (K,F) --> (L,G) such that the terms Er'p,q(L,G) are injective for all r' < r and all integers p and q.

A similar definition can be given with the property injective replaced by the property D-acyclic in the context of a left-exact functor C -->C' as before. A level-1 filtered injective resolution is what was earlier (2.6) called a filtered injective resolution.

Example 3.3. Let K be any complex on objects in C. We put the trivial filtration F on K by defining F0K = K and F1K = 0. Then we note as in ([3]; 1.4.6) that

             { 0       if n > 1- p
Dec*(F )pKn  =  d(K -p)  if n = 1- p
              K        if n < 1- p

Thus, grDec *(F)pK is the complex concentrated in degrees -p and 1 - p.

K -p/d(K -p-1)-- >  d(K- p)

There is a natural morphism to this from the single term complex H-p(K) concentrated in degree -p which is clearly a quasi-isomorphism.

Fact 3.4. Let L denote the total complex of a Cartan-Eilenberg resolution [2] I of K. Let Gp(L) be the total complex of the subcomplex I>p. Let F be the trivial filtration on K. Then the natural morphism (K,F) --> (L,G) is a level-2 filtered injective resolution.

Proof. As noted above we have

E02,n(K, F) = E-1 n,2n(K,Dec*(F)) = Hn(K)

and the remaining E2 terms are 0. We have the identity E0p,n(J,G) = Ip,n and so we deduce E1p,n(J,G) = Hn(Ip). Since I is a Cartan-Eilenberg resolution these E1 terms give an injective resolution of Hn(K). Thus we have the result. []

We use the fact (2.7) to prove

Lemma 3.5. If C has sufficiently many injectives then any good filtered complex (K,F) has a level-r injective resolution for any r > 1.

Proof. Let (K,(Dec*)r-1(F)) --> (L,G) be a (level-1) filtered injective resolution (which exists by (2.7)). Consider the composite morphism

              r-1    * r- 1            r-1
(K, F)-- >  (K,Bac   (Dec )  (F )) --> (L,Bac   (G))

By (3) we see that the first morphism is a level-r quasi-isomorphism. Also by (1) we see that the second morphism is a level-r quasi-isomorphism. Hence the composite is also a level-r quasi-isomorphism. Now by (1) and (2.3) we have for r' < r

Er'(L,Bacr-1(G)) = Er'-r+1(L,G) = E0(L,G)

By assumption the latter terms are injective. []

Next we note the naturality of such a resolution.

Lemma 3.6. Suppose (K,F) is a good filtered complex such that Er'p,q(K,F) are injective for all r' < r and all integers p and q. Let f : (K,F) --> (L,G) be a level-r injective resolution then there is a morphism g : (L,G) --> (K,F) such that Er-1(f o g) and Er-1(g o f) are homotopic to identity.

Proof. Note that Er-1(f) : Er-1(K,F) --> Er-1(L,G) is a quasi-isomorphism of complexes of injectives. Hence there is a morphism gr-1 : Er-1(L,G) -->Er-1(K,F) such that Er-1(f)ogr-1 and gr-1oEr-1(f) are homotopic to identity. By induction we assume that we are given the morphism gr' : Er'(L,G) -->Er'(K,F). We wish to find a morphism gr'-1 : Er'-1(L,G) -->Er'-1(K,F) such that it induces gr' on the cohomology of the Er'-1 terms (which is Er'). This is possible since the Er'-1,p,q’s are bounded below complexes of injectives. Thus we obtain g0,p : grGpL --> grFpK. Again we have that K and L are bounded below complexes of injectives and so we obtain the required morphism g which satisfies grp(g) = g0,p. []

We have the following modification of ([3]; 1.4.5):

Lemma 3.7. Let D : C-->C' be a left-exact functor and assume that C has enough injectives. Let Di denote the associated hypercohomology functors and let (K,F) be a good filtered complex in C. Then for any r > 1 we have a natural spectral sequence

 p,q   p+q              p+q
Er  = D   (Er-1,p,q) ===>  D   (K)

Proof. Let (K,F) --> (L,G) be a level-r filtered D-acyclic resolution (for example we can take a level-r filtered injective resolution by lemma (3.5)). Consider the good filtered complex (D(L),D(G)) in C'. The associated spectral sequence is

 p,q    p       p+q       p+q
E0  = grD(G) D(L)    ===>  H   (D(L))

Now, by (2.8) the latter term is Dp+q(K). Since grGp(Ln) are D-acyclic for all integers p and n and the filtrations are finite, we see that grD(G)p(D(L)) = D(grGp(L)).

Now by definition Elp,q = Hp+q(El-1,p,q). Thus we obtain

Ep,q = Hp+q(D(grp(L))) = Dp+q(grp(L))
 1             G              G

since grGp(Ln) are D-acyclic. We now claim by induction that

Er' = Dp+q(Er'- 1,p,q(L, G));for r'< r

Assume this for r'- 1. Now since r'- 1 < r we have Er'-1(L,G) consists of D-acyclics. Thus we see by (2.9) that

 p,q     p+q   '                p+q   '                p,q
Er'-1 = D  (Er- 2,p,q(L,G)) = D(H   (Er- 2,p,q(L,G))) = D(Er'- 1)

But then by definition of Di’s we have

  p,q    p+q             p+q                     p+q
E r' = H    (Er'- 1,p,q) = H (D(Er'-1,p,q(L,G))) = D   (Er'-1,p,q)

This proves the claim by induction.

Now we have Er-1,p,q(K,F) -->Er-1,p,q(L,G) is an D-acyclic resolution. Thus

Dp+q(Er- 1,p,q(K,F)) = Dp+q(Er-1,p,q(L, G))

Hence we obtain the required spectral sequence. The naturality of this spectral sequence easily follows from the lemma (3.6) by the usual techniques. []

Now we note that for r = 1 this spectral sequence is exactly the one constructed by Deligne in ([3];1.4.5). For r = 2 we see that this is the Leray spectral sequence for hypercohomology by applying the level-2 injective resolution given by Cartan-Eilenberg (3.4). From the above proof we see that we obtain our “new” spectral sequence. On the other hand the E2 spectral sequence associated with the Cartan-Eilenberg resolution is precisely what is called the Leray spectral sequence for hypercohomology. This completes the proof of the main theorem (1.1).